Perma Farm
Perma Farm
Tarahunise Village, Bangalore
(January, 2015 - 2018)
Size: 3 acres
Elevation(m): 961
Annual Rainfall(mm): 900
Climate: Tropical Wet & Dry / Tropical Savanna
Function: Forest Garden, Vegetable Production, Animal Systems
Key features: Ponds-Guilds-Vegetable Garden-Living Fence
The aim with this 3-acre project is to create a model permaculture farm with Myriam Shankar and her trust, The Anonymous Indian Charitable Trust (TAICT)
This began with earthworks and living fencing, before creating the fruit orchard, planning and planting tree guilds, vegetable production and experimentation with natural ponds.
The farm is a living laboratory, exploring a range of water and soil conservation techniques and planting strategies that could in the long run benefit the local village.
TAICT, along with the NGO Hasirudala, are working with the local village authorities on waste management strategies for the area. The organic waste collected daily from all nearby households is brought to Perma Farm to be composted and used to grow trees and food.