Kipepeo Forest Farm
Hilltop Farm Retreat, Agalakotta
(March 2023)
Size: 1.26 acres
Elevation(m): 950
Annual Rainfall(mm): 1022-1034
Climate: Southern tropical mixed deciduous forests & Dry evergreen forests
Function: Weekend or Primary home
Key features: Wild Zone, Zuni Bowl Pond Guilds Living Fence Design
The clients wanted to create a quaint little farmhouse at the Hilltop Farm Retreat on their 1.26-acre farm, where they would ideally like to move to. The unique location of the site is witness to majestic views on all sides in close proximity to Reserve forests that influence the land with unique flora and fauna. Being avid birders and wildlife photographers, the clients would like to rewild and consciously work on regenerating the land through rainwater management, enriching soil planting native species, and adopting regenerative practices to maintain the land. The importance was given to sustaining biodiversity on the land while growing native fruits & vegetables for their own consumption.