Tarahunase & Thimmasandra Lakes
Bettahalasur, Bangalore
(Sept - Nov, 2018)
Synergy and Ecogram approached Biome to guide them towards the restoration of the seasonal Tarahunase & Thimmasandra Lakes. In this regard, Biome, in collaboration with Ananas, proposed a Lake Vision Document.
It is a “way forward” document that presents and communicates a collective vision of the stakeholders and communities. A suitable design based document would be a derivative of this exercise. This document was to be used and extrapolated by the DPR writers to further detail and design the elements.
In all, it is a collection of the vision and aspirations of people around the lakes, and a conceptual representation of the same. Also this is a thorough study of the existing state of ecology of the lakes.
As of June 2020 Tarahunase is now full - with treated water from the city - and overflowing into Thimmasandra.