
Start Small and Start Now!

Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple- Bill Mollison

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Suddenly, we find ourselves in a world where we appreciate the extraordinary significance of bare essentials of life. When the kirana stores stay shut and the humble aloo costs 400 rupees a kg, we know it’s not a good idea to be at the mercy of the market. 

Neither is it a good idea to take food for granted. Not anymore. If you want to insure yourself against supply chain disruption, know that you have the power to change and become self reliant. 

Start small and start now.   

Permaculture is all about small scale intensive systems. You can begin with the simplest of tasks, obtain a small yield and undertake more complex projects from there on.

For example, if you want your own kitchen garden, you could start with something as simple as making a compost bucket, and harvesting your rooftop rainwater. Your skills, self reliance and resilience will emerge from these projects and experiences.

A harmonious life with nature is around the corner. If you’re wondering where to start, we have put together a small starter kit of resources to help you slowly understand your water, food, shelter, waste, energy and community needs. There are reading lists, videos, tips and techniques, seed company and nursery lists and finally, phone numbers to get in touch with us. 


Rainwater harvesting:

  • How to calculate rooftop rainwater harvesting potential:HARVESTING POTENTIAL (litres) = CATCHMENT AREA (sq m) x RAINFALL (mm). Around 90% of rooftop runoff can be harvested and stored for use or used to recharge groundwater

  • Rainy Filters:

  • DIY Filter: Masonry filter with layers of gravel, charcoal and sand

  • Contact that does amazing work on water

  • Refer to for urban water related information            

Greywater management:

  • Remove the pipe from under your sink, place a bucket instead there, and water your plants with the sink water.

  • Direct the outflow from your washing machine into buckets and use it to flush toilets or water the garden (note: ensure your soaps and detergents are chemical free and plant-friendly).

  • Direct your grey water to mulched pits planted with water-loving species such as banana in the garden. 

  • Install a constructed wetland a.k.a. A reed bed to treat your water using plants 


  • For flush toilets: 

    • Septic tank (needs to be emptied when full)

    • Soak pit (should be far away from any water source - may contaminate groundwater)

  • For dry toilets:

    • Simple compost toilet 

    • EcoSan toilet

    • Sulabh toilet

  • The Humanure Handbook - Joseph Jenkins


Books on water management:

  • Rainwater Harvesting in Drylands and Beyond Vols 1 & 2 - Brad Lancaster

  • Creating an Oasis with Greywater - Art Ludwig

Online resources for water management: 

Food, Soils & Planting:

Where to buy seeds:


Support Local Farmers through Community Supported Agriculture:

One of the best ways in which urban citizens can help farmers is to sign up for a community supported agriculture (CSA) initiative where the consumer’s money goes directly to the farmer, without any middleman taking any of it. In such an arrangement, both the consumers and farmers share the risks and rewards of agriculture. A subscription based CSA initiative gives the farmer the seed money to start growing food. The farmer grows food according to the need of the subscribers who have signed up, and therefore there is no price fluctuation of the vegetables, nor is there any wastage. The farmer gets a regular income and the consumer / subscriber gets fresh, seasonal, chemical- free vegetables. To know more about CSA, read the following links:

Online Resources:

Field Guides:

  • Common Dryland Trees of Karnataka - ATREE

  • Jungle Trees of Central India - Pradip Krishen

  • Reviving Vegetable Diversity – Deepika Kundaji

Books on Food, Soils & Planting:

  • Secrets of Fertile Soils – Erhard Hennig

  • An Agricultural Testament - Sir Albert Howard

  • The Soil and Health - Sir Albert Howard·  

  • Teaming with Microbes - Jeff Lowenfells

  • The Vision of Natural Farming - Bharath Mansata 

  • Edible Forest Gardens - Dave Jacke

  • The Market Gardener - Jean-Martin Fortier

  • In Defense of Food – Michael Pollan

  • Soil Not Oil – Vandana Shiva

Films about Food, Soils & Planting:


Natural Building:

Waste Management

Solid Waste Management Round Table 

For colour coded waste segregation at homes, residential complexes, offices, etc /, zero waste events -  

For composting: 

For sustainable menstruation:

For zero waste weddings:


Energy - A Beginner’s Guide - Vaclav Smil 

Carbon footprint calculator:

Energy audit: 

Solar cookers:

Solar set up: 


Refer to Tamarind Valley Collective. The community is doing inspiring work and promoting self reliance. 

Refer to Beforest, a collective that creates a framework that drives communities toward an economic, ecological and social viability.  

Volunteer Days at Jakkur Lake:

  • We, at Ananas, frequently conduct volunteer days at Jakkur lake on Saturday mornings

  • Please send us a message/email with your phone number and we will add you to the group. 

Farms & Projects in South India:

General Resources

Visioning Questions: 

Permaculture Reading:

General reading:

  • One Straw Revolution  - Masanobu Fukuoka

  • The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible – Charles Eisenstein

  • A New Earth – Ekhart Tolle

  • Silent Spring - Rachel Carson

  • The Hidden Life of Trees - Peter Wohlleben

  • Small is Beautiful - E.F. Schumacher

  • The Death and Life of Great American Cities - Jane Jacobs

  • Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World - Paul Stametes

  • Cities and Canopies - Harini Nagendra and Seema Mundoli

  • Nature in the City: Bengaluru in the Past, Present and Future - Harini Nagendra

  • Indica - A Deep Natural History of the Indian Subcontinent - Pranay Lal

  • This Fissured Land - An Ecological History of India - Ramachandra Guha

  • Ecology and Equity: The Use and Abuse of Nature in Contemporary India - Ramachandra Guha

Films and Videos: 

Reach out to us

Himanshu Arteev -  9886233459 /

Kiri Meili - 988633514 /

Jananee Mohan - 9611049922 /



Kirian Meili