Digging a pond
Ananas at Kunjooree Private Reserve marking the first pond
One does not simply dig a pond anywhere. It takes thorough understanding of how nature works and how humans are designed to work with nature. In this dry and rocky forest landscape, rains are rare, which makes the marking and constructing of earthworks and ponds critical. Capturing forest water run off, right and relative placement, patterns of rainfall, wildlife emergency and human urgency define the character of each pond.
Watershed Mapping
Planning on site
We had a map with each of us to jot down the existing features of water on the land. Having a team really helps as you get to cover more ground with different perspectives and interactions.
The survey map was what we needed for this and the observations were marked. Though we had the maps prior to the visit, the observations on ground reveal the most information.
The two ponds seen on the right were designed for the collection of water for use in the nursery maintenance, to irrigate sown crops, as a fire breaks and as biodiversity hot spots to attract forest wildlife.
On site, the team covered the entire ground to analyse the flow patterns through and around the site.
Studying the context through pure observation is essential for the right intervention. With this process emerges the conversation with the natural forces. The nature of a single line of erosion can translate to the effect of the terracing done years before.
Once the slopes and water sheds have been studied, the other factors and technicalities come into play. This broadly includes the overall demand for water and its role in collection and cascading.
Earthworks plan
Slope Analysis
Implementing on site
The ponds were dug out with the help of a JCB, as they were to be 2.5m deep at the deepest. The final finishing for a smooth surface was done by the workers from the village.
The soil dug out from each pond is to be used in construction of the houses to be built, and in the nursery development.
The deep end of the pond allows for a difference in microclimate inside the pond, thus allowing for a variety of organisms to find their comfort zone and thrive. The shallow zone is where the inlets are planned, with a reed bed to filter the inflow. The ponds overflow at the deep end.
The concept
We have water!
The pond excavated
After the water percolated from the first fill, the pond is lined with HDPE to help retain the precious resource for longer.